Our Story
Our family has always loved going on camping trips. When we were young, our parents would take us, their four young daughters, into nature every summer to experience the wonder of creation. They would load up the minivan with the necessities, our Dad using his magic organizing methods to make it all fit—even if it meant one time tying a child’s portable toilet on the heap of luggage already strapped to the roof of the car.
We grew up laughing a lot as we were stuffed in that car together, then venturing out into nature and witnessing coastal beauties we still remember vividly today. We went on family hikes, roasted crab over campfires, and worked together to cook, clean, and live outdoors. It always ended each night with us holding our breaths as we gazed into the depth of the galaxy, in awe of all the stars we just couldn't see from our home in Southern California.
In this way we grew up being quieted by nature. We have always been a giggly, witty bunch—we have the family quote lists to prove it—but creation has an arresting quality and each summer we encountered it. Quickly we were able to recognize first hand that the earth is speaking and does so whether we listen or not.
As we got older our family continued to take trips out into creation together, sometimes returning to familiar spots and other times exploring new places. On one of our explorations we stumbled upon the little town of Mendocino and we fell in love.
Driving down Highway 1 and seeing the Mendocino coast for the first time was incredible. We were filled with wonder, struck with the glorious sights all around us from the crashing waves to the towering redwoods. The sights were remarkable and with each trip, each hike, each drive down the headlands we once again felt ourselves listening. And we kept listening, soon hearing a call to move to Mendocino and begin farming—something entirely new to us.
Now that we are grown up and some of us are married with growing families of our own, we are in creation every day and we still find ourselves listening as we work. Every day, whether it is by the smallest worm working its way through the soil or the radiant glow of a coastal sunset, we find our perspectives being nudged upward. We hope with each flower we grow on our farm that we will spread the wonder of creation to more people, making it more and more possible for others to listen and hear what the earth has to say.